Opt Outside Ecotope Style

Opt Outside Ecotope Style

Ecotope staff enjoyed their yearly bonding hike to Lake 22 on October 9th. We believe  that REI  is modelling their Black Friday “Opt Outside” campaign on our annual hike, fondly known in the office as Wet Friday. We have been blessed with wet & muddy trails as...

Energy Efficient Assisted Living in Gig Harbor

Emerald Communities has broken ground on the first phase of the Heron’s Key Continuing Care Retirement Community in Gig Harbor. Ecotope developed the energy efficiency approach and mechanical systems design for the project; working with Rice Fergus Miller...

HPWH Lab Assessment Report Released

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Ecotope, Inc. and Cascade Engineering Services, Inc. to conduct a laboratory assessment of the Stiebel-Eltron Accelera 220 E heat pump water heater (HPWH) for northern climate installations. Cascade...
Davis Takes Metering Research to Europe

Davis Takes Metering Research to Europe

Bob Davis attended the 8th annual EEDAL International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting in Lucerne, Suisse in late August.  This bi-annual conference convenes at various European locations and addresses efficiency of domestic...
Davis Takes Metering Research to Europe

Now, That's a Nice Fish

Shawn Oram, working in Sitka on projects for Rice Fergus Miller: US Forest Service and MRV : Kettleson Library, took some extra time to explore the wonders of Alaska.  He enjoyed some hiking and sight seeing before landing this ling cod during a long Alaska summer...